General methods for working with GRASS and GMT
1. Importing data into GRASS:
* r.in.gdal raster data
* v.in.ogr vector data2. Exporting data from GRASS, in a GMT-ready format
* r.out.bin -h [-i] as floating point or optionally integer binary grid
* use -i to integer cat labels instead of actual cell values raster.grd[=1|=2] access file as floating point [=1], or integer [=2]
CELL type rasters are accessed via [=2]
FCELL type rasters are accessed via [=1]
* DCELL type rasters (convert to FCELL with r.mapcalc float(raster)) v.out.ascii | awk >file.xy vectors as y,x records3. GMT
* grdimage render raster image
* grdcontour contour raster data
* makecpt make a color pallette file for raster data
* grd2cpt make a color pallette based on values in raster data
* psbasemap create clean line, scale, north arrow, etc.
* psxy render point, line, or polygon data from xyz text file
* pslegend create a legend
* gmtset set GMT variables such as paper and font size