我已经从教育圈出走了,当然,未来谁也说不清楚。 :-)
1999-2000年时,当时我刚开始做网络辅助教学(基于计算机网络的多媒体辅助教学,其实就是今天的eLearn),在网络上也找了当时的国际上的同类进展,记得当时只有Moodle(?),但Moodle的理念不太适合中国的实际情况,因此当时就没有采用Moodle,而是自己从新做了一套。记得最早是用ASP+ACCESS做的,第一次给学生测试,才发现当时的windows 2000中的IIS只支持10个同时在线,很尴尬了一把。后来觉得ASP+ACCESS的性能有问题,于是就转到了PHP+MYSQL,但是我做的系统中elearn部分在课堂(包括多媒体教室)基本上没有什么实际的使用价值,只能作为一个自习的东西,因此后来重点就转向了网络考试系统(经过了3届学生,十数门的实际考试)。应该 说,目前,至少在中国,网络教学还存在一定困难。
I created Claroline at University of Louvain 5 years ago. I proposed to accelerate the development through creating a network with other partners and universities and a services company. The university agreed with these proposals. However, they wanted to keep control on the evolution and give me only a minor role in the new project. They tried to impose their view through reselling or renting me the trade mark “claroline” at the condition that I would have less shares of the claroline company as they would. I decided not to accept this and created Dokeos. The university goes on now with the development of Claroline without me and it is legitimate. However, the Dokeos project goes much quicker and further in my view and benefits of a bigger community.