Gaia试图开源Google Earth未果
25 November 2006, we’ve got the letter from Michael Jones, the Chief Technologist of Google Earth, Google Maps, and Google Local search, requesting us to cease reverse engineering and improper usage of licensed data that Google Earth use. We understand and respect Google’s position on the case, so we’ve removed all downloads from this page and we ask everybody who have ever downloaded gaia 0.1.0 and prior versions to delete all files concerned with the project, which include source code, binary files and image cache (~/.gaia).
站点上的下载连接都删除了,但我原来一直不知道这个项目,就满世界的找其镜像,功夫不负有心人,最终在gentoo的库里找到了,下载编译试用了一下,感觉还可以,不过只有最基本的功能,就是浏览图像,但程序比较稳定。其比google earth for linux的优势就是可以把其代码集成到自己的程序里,然后再混合自己的地图服务,可以得到很好的效果。(当然,还有别的功能,自己体会,呵呵)
下载:gaia 0.10